2023 Livestock Show Shirts

Attention all Lincoln County 4-H Exhibitors, the Jr Dairy Committee is making t-shirts again this year! Preorders only available for pickup Wednesday, of the fair, in the dairy barn. Click this link, and submit order online then send payment. Otherwise print off and mail in with payment. ORDERS ARE DUE JULY 1ST. Payment must be […]


Lincoln County Fair Entries are open!

Visit: https://www.lincolncofair.com/exhibitors to enroll and show at the fair by July 15th, 2023. 4-H is education through clubs, projects, and experiences. The Lincoln County Fair is the event, which provides the opportunity to show off your projects and skills. They have 2 separate enrollments. 4-H families contact me with any questions you may have on […]


Reminder: Lincoln County 4-H Scholarship Application Due April 21st, 2023

The applicant must be currently enrolled as a Lincoln County 4-H member. Members who are graduating from high school or are currently attending a college or university are eligible to apply. The Lincoln County 4-H Leaders Association, Inc., may award a limited number of $500 scholarships to qualified applicants. This award must be used for […]


Lincoln County’s Discontinuation of Most of Extension Programs

… the reduction in funding for Extension services will have ripple effects throughout Lincoln County communities. Letter to Lincoln County Residents As of November 2, 2022, the Lincoln County Board has chosen to discontinue most of its portion of financial support for Lincoln County Extension programming beginning in 2023.  It chose to maintain its investment […]


Title IX Training – Required for all 4-H Volunteers

Starting this year, all 4-H Volunteers are required to report incidents of sexual misconduct that take place in Extension programs and Title IX training on how to report concerns is required to be completed before volunteers can be approved. How to check if you need the training: To take the training: Important Notes:


Letter to Partners of Extension

On Tuesday, October 4th, the Extension sent a letter to all Extension Partners that provided clarifying information on UW-Extension funding as of the September 20th Lincoln County Board meeting. The complete letter is available below, as some partners were inadvertently missed and there have been several requests for a copy of the letter. Please reach […]