If you are 18 years or older and interested in becoming a 4-H volunteer, we can help. We will provide new volunteers with Volunteers in Preparation Training about how to work effectively with youth and what resources are available to volunteers. We will also ask you to participate in a Mandated Reporter Training to learn more about how to protect youth from child abuse and neglect. Finally, to ensure the safety of all youth and volunteers, a Volunteer Behavior Expectations Agreement and background check are require

When you sign up to be a volunteer (on 4-H Online) you will need to choose what type(s) of volunteering you are looking at doing. You can choose more than one type but you must choose at least one. Each general type (Program, Club or Project) have more specific choice under them. Explanation of these choices, along with links to more detailed position descriptions are below:
NOTE: If you want to belong to a specific club, you must choose “Club Volunteer”.
Club Volunteer
Club Activity Leader
Activity (Event) Volunteers provide leadership/organization for a club activity or event and/or participate as a member of a club activity or event. They also work with youth and adult volunteers to offer a positive youth development experience for young people.
Club Enrollment Coordinator
Club Enrollment Coordinators provide leadership for members and adult volunteers who are enrolling in the club or group organization and work with youth and offer a positive youth development experience for young people. Choose this position only if asked to by your club leader
Club Leader (Organizational/General)
Provide organizational leadership to the club or group. Choose this position only if asked to by your club leader
Club Project Leader
Club Project Leaders provide leadership for specific projects within the club. If you select this option you will need to specify which project(s) you are willing to provide leadership for. If you are willing to provide county-wide project leadership, please also sign up for the “Project Volunteer” type and select “Resource Leader” or “Project Leader”.
Program Volunteer
County Activity Leader
Activity (Event) Volunteers provide leadership/organization for a county-wide activity or event and/or participate as a member of a county-wide activity or event. They also work with youth and adult volunteers to offer a positive youth development experience for young people. Please only select this option if you are a leader in a county-wide activity.
County Committee Member
The Committee Volunteer position provides leadership for a county committee and/or participate as a member of a committee, creates educational experiences for all youth engaged in the program, and works with youth and adult volunteers in offering a positive youth development experience for young people. Please only select this option if you are currently on a county-wide committee.
Overnight Adult Advisor / Chaperone
The Adult Advisor or Chaperone works with a team of adult advisors and 4-H Youth Development staff to ensure youth have a safe and positive educational experience. This position requires additional volunteer training/education.
Single Day Adult Advisor / Chaperone
The Adult Advisor or Chaperone works with a team of adult advisors and 4-H Youth Development staff to ensure youth have a safe and positive educational experience. This position requires additional volunteer training/education.
Project Volunteer
County Project Committee Member
The role of the county 4-H project committees is to provide overall leadership to specific project areas and their related events and activities. In Lincoln County examples of this are the Dog Project Committee, Jr. Dairy Committee, etc. Please only select this option if you are currently on one of these committees.
Key Leader
. Choose this position only if asked to by your club leader
Project Leader
. Choose this position only if asked to by your club leader
Resource Leader
- Project Volunteer: Choose this option if you want to provide county-wide support for a specific project
- County Project Committee
Key Leader- Project Leader
- Resource Leader
Volunteers who belonged to 4-H the previous year will need to re-enroll each year through the 4HOnline system. In addition, the Youth Protection system requires a background check be conducted every 4 years for all 4-H volunteer leaders. To comply with this policy, UW-Extension will conduct a background check for all re-enrolling leaders in their 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24th, etc. year.
Returning volunteers who have been absent one to four years need to enroll through 4HOnline system which includes the completion of the behavior expectation statement and have a background check completed. They are not required to attend the orientation to be reinstated as a volunteer. Returning volunteers who have been absent five or more years need to repeat the entire Youth Protection process.
The Youth Protection system has been designed to protect children and the privacy rights of volunteers.
Volunteers do not have to be associated with a specific club. Please visit the 4-H Leadership page for an overview on the volunteer opportunities available through Lincoln County 4-H.
All current 4-H leaders need to re-enroll using the 4HOnline enrollment program at http://wi.4honline.com. Refer to the “Re-enroll Members/Leaders” instructions on page 3 of the 2018-19 Lincoln County 4-H Enrollment and Project Guide below for more detailed instructions.
New Enrollment:
If you are interested in volunteering to be a part of 4‑H, you should enroll through the 4HOnline enrollment program at http://wi.4honline.com. Once your enrollment is received, you will be sent information to complete the Youth Protection Process. Completion of this process is required to become a 4-H adult volunteer leader. This process includes completing new 4-H Volunteer Orientation Training, a background check and signing a volunteer expectation statement. Volunteer leaders do not have to belong to a specific 4‑H Club, but can become Resource leaders and help offer 4-H programs at the county level. Refer to “Enrolling in 4HOnline as a New Family” instructions that begin on the bottom of page 3 of the 2018-19 Lincoln County 4-H Enrollment and Project Guide below for more detailed instructions.
No internet access…
For individuals without internet access, paper forms will be available by request or you can re-enroll or enroll as a new family by visiting the UW-Extension office located in the Lincoln County Service Center on the lower level (801 N. Sales Street in Merrill) to enroll with 4HOnline during office hours (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Contact the office at 715-539-1072 with any questions or help you need.
Adult Volunteer Enrollment Deadlines
Enrollment must be entered in 4honline by the date listed to be on time.
November 1st
Re-enrollments entered in 4honline.
May 1st
Deadline for all new leaders to complete Youth Protection Process. After May 1st, any adult who has not completed this process will lose their status as a 4‑H volunteer and will no longer be considered an enrolled 4‑H leader in Lincoln County.
We strongly encourage leaders to get their enrollments entered as soon as possible, so they don’t get missed on our mailing lists and can get their project materials early.