The mission of the Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association, Inc. is to work with young people to provide learning experiences, new opportunities and life skills development. This done through the following:
- Conduct supplemental county level programs for youth
- Raise funds and manage a budget to support 4-H Youth Development work
- Coordinate county level recognition
- Represent 4-H Youth Development to the community
- Advocate for 4-H Youth Development
- Provide input on new 4-H Youth Development opportunities and youth and volunteer needs
The Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association is accountable to the 4-H Youth Development educators/staff and are required to seek their advice when acting in the role of a 4-H volunteer leader. The document below provides additional information about this relationship.
Educational Role of Educators/Staff with County 4-H Leader Organizations, Committees and Groups
Bylaws of Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association, Inc. (November 18, 2014)
4-H Board of Directors Position Description
4-H Board of Directors Officer Position Descriptions
Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association World Cafe Report – November 2014
The Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association, Inc. may provide funding to support 4-H members and leaders participation in 4-H related programs beyond Lincoln County. To request these funds, please complete the “Funding Request from Leaders’ Association” form and return to the Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association, c/o Lincoln County UW-Extension, 801 N. Sales Street Suite 101, Merrill, WI 54452. Requests will be considered at the 4-H Board of Directors meeting following receipt of the request and notification of award will be sent following the board’s decision. Please be sure to answer each question and provide as much detail as possible.
Funding Request from Leaders’ Association form (Word version)
Funding Request from Leaders’ Association form (pdf version)
Lincoln County 4-H Endowment Fund
The Lincoln County 4-H Endowment Fund is a depository of gifts and donations to provide long-term support for the Lincoln County 4-H program. Only the earnings will be used. Through the establishment of the fund, the Lincoln County 4-H Program is able to accept gifts of any size from anyone. All contributions are tax deductible and a receipt of donation will be sent to the donor for tax purposes.
The 4-H Board of Directors of the Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Assocaition, Inc., will serve as the Advisory Committee for the fund. Proceeds from the fund help support our county 4-H program, including 4-H Summer Camps, State and National trip opportunities, 4-H Scholarships, 4-H Ambassador program and other 4-H opportunities for Lincoln County youth.
Online giving using Mastercard, Visa or Discover on secure website Click Online Giving and follow prompts to Lincoln County 4-H Endowment Fund.
Send contributions to: Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin, 500 First St. Ste. 2600, Wausau, WI 54403. Make checks payable to: Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin, Note: Lincoln County 4-H Endowment Fund.
All gifts will be acknowledged to the donor, honoree, or family of the memorialized, as appropriate.
Lincoln County Bench to Bench Project
Leading up to the fair, the many Lincoln County 4-H clubs and affiliated groups were not only preparing for the fair, but also working to make the fair experience even better for everyone who attends. The work that they were doing was decorating benches to be placed around the fairgrounds in order to increase the amount of seating available across the grounds. Each group was given an identical bench that they then stained, painted, etc., and placed their group name on as recognition of their importance to many youths and adults from around Lincoln County and beyond. This project was made possible by many people. It would not have been possible without the cooperation of all 25 groups participating. Sandy Thurs and Stevie Roets wrote a grant to secure part of the funding from the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, with the rest being contributed by the Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association, Inc. Also, Brandon and Dan Thurs spent many hours to build the benches, making
the project a reality. Without the many participants in this project, it could have never come together. The Lincoln County Bench to Bench Project is truly a wonderful example of what can be done with cooperation across a community, and with the support of organizations such as the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation and the Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association.
Submitted by Sandy Thurs and Stevie Roets, Members of the Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association Board of Directors
In the news:
4-H leads fairgrounds bench project – Merrill Focus – September 14 2012
Lincoln County Bench to Bench Project – Foto News – September 26 2012