It’s quickly moving into harvest season — there are already a lot of fresh vegetables out there! With harvesting come preserving and Extension Lincoln County is here to help you!
Did You Know?
The dial gauge on your pressure canner needs to be tested every year.
Get yours tested today!
You can get it tested, free of charge, at Extension Lincoln County. We use the tester provided by Presto and it is the best way to ensure the accuracy and safety of your dial gauge pressure canner. Just bring in your dial gauge pressure canner and will get you ready for canning!
Recipes and More!
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension has many booklets and bulletins that explain how to preserve food safely! If you are interested in canning, freezing, drying, making jams or jellies or even pickling and fermenting, we have a resource just for you! You can find them here.
New to Food Preservation? Need a Refresher?
Whether you are new to home food preservation or are just looking for a refresher on the best practices, the University of Minnesota Extension has short, informational YouTube videos that provide a hands-on look at food preservation methods and food safety.
We’re Here to Help!
Extension Lincoln County is here to help you with all your food preservation questions