Heart of the Farm “Coffee Chats” will be a series of interactive web meetings to help farm women connect all across Wisconsin.
Our keynote speaker is Jess Peters from Spruce Row Farm. If you aren’t following her on Facebook, you should! Check out her personal invitation to be part of this awesome experience with this video!
After the keynote presentation is an interactive session, “Balancing Act or is it a Three Ring Circus?” where women can connect with others who share the same experiences and challenges. During this session, participants will discuss current timesaving tips to use at home or on the farm.
Register now for the May 8th kickoff with this Heart of the Farm link: https://go.wisc.edu/0c267p. Once registered, you will receive meeting connection information (website link and phone number). Registered participants will only need the meeting website link or phone number to participate in the meeting.