Storm/Flood Recovery

The Lincoln County UW-Extension Staff created a resource booklet from several sources  to assist individuals and families impacted by storm damage.  Resources include items for post-tornado damage, post-flooding damage including home flooding caused by power outages and long-term disaster recovery.

Booklet in PDF printable form.  You may chose to print by sections or by topics within sections:

Table of Contents (updated 4/21/11)

General Disaster Information (updated 4/22/11) – this is a pdf file of this entire section – including the following items that can be printed individually:

Tornado Resources – this is a pdf file of this entire section – including the following items that can be printed individually:

Flood Resources (updated 4/21/11) – this is a pdf file of this entire section – including the following items that can be printed individually:

Long Term Disaster Resources (updated 4/21/11)  – this is a pdf file of this entire section – including the following items that can be printed individually:

Resources for Lawns, Landscapes and Gardens:

We wanted to make you aware that Extension has numerous publications with information regarding establishing and maintaining lawns, landscapes, and gardens that can be used after storm damage or a flood.  Check out the Learning Store web site for a listing of these and other publications:  Once here, enter the number of the publication you want in the search area at the top.  Here are a few that may be particularly useful:

  • Calibrating and Using Lawn Fertilizer and Lime Spreaders (A2306)
  • Choosing the Right Landscape Plants: Factors to Consider (A3864)
  • Do-It-Yourself Alternative Lawn Care (A3964)
  • Lawn Aeration and Topdressing (A3710)
  • Lawn Establishment and Renovation (A3434)
  • Lawn Fertilization (A2303)
  • Lawn Maintenance (A3435)
  • Lawn Weed Prevention and Control (A1990)
  • Mulches for Home Gardens and Plantings (A3383)
  • Organic and Reduced-Risk Lawn Care (A3958)
  • Planning and Designing Your Home Landscape (G1923)
  • Sampling Lawn and Garden Soils for Analysis (A2166)
  • Selecting Woody Landscape Plants for Fall Color: An Illustrated Guide (A3837)
  • Tree and Shrub Fertilization (A2308)
  • Watering Your Lawn (A3950)
  • General Water Quality (GWQ)

  Resources available from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services: