New 4-H Year, Sign Up Today!

Enrollment opened September 1st, 2023.  Enroll early so you don’t miss out on any of the fun. All 4-H enrollment is done on-line.  If you struggle with internet access, there is an enrollment computer you can use at the extension office. For more information, call 715-539-1074 or visit: We recommend visiting the club you are […]


Annual Financial Review Due Sept. 1st!

Club leaders, It’s up to you to meet this deadline. Late AFRs or AFRs missing pieces will be at risk of losing their financial opportunities and EIN. Submit your AFRs by Sept 1st. You can either drop them off or email them to


Day Camp Ages 5-9

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to “Fish for Fun in 4-H”! Deadline extended 1 more day! Not in 4-H, that’s ok. Register through this link: .


Show Your 4-H Pride

Attention 4-H Older Youth, it’s your time to show off your experience and leadership skills! Consider sparing a couple of hours at the fair to share some 4-H fun. Do you have a favorite project or activity you could share? Contact the 4-H office today to discuss how you can leave your legacy in Lincoln […]


Dairyland Stand workers wanted!

Please join the 4-H Leaders Association at the Dairyland Stand this year at the Lincoln County Fair. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year. The Leaders’ Association has given out more than $8,000 this past year to support 4-H events and programming, national travel experiences, and scholarships. Plus it’s fun working in a fair […]


4-H 202 Rabbit Workshop

Come join us to learn how to prepare your animal for the fair and tips for showing.  Held at the Extension 4-H Office, Tuesday July 25th in room 156, 6-7:30 pm. Email to reserve your spot.


4-H 202 Sheep and Goat Workshop

Come join us to learn how to prepare your animal for the fair and tips for showing.  Held at the Extension 4-H Office, Thursday July 20th in room 156, 6-7:30 pm.  We may venture outside for a live demonstration.  Email to reserve your spot.


Cloverbud Day Camp

Join Lincoln County 4-H as we plan a mid-summer day camp for youth that were in 5K-3rd Grade (as of May 1st) on July 25th. Cost of the day camp is $20. Camp will begin and end at the Lincoln County 4-H/Extension Office. We will walk to the nearby playground for outdoor activities. Lunch is […]


Youth Attend American Spirit East Travel Experience

Congratulations to these Lincoln County 4-H Youth who attended the American Spirit East trip this past month. Did you know that youth have the opportunity to learn through travel experiences in 4-H? This experience led youth to Maumee, Ohio; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; New York City, New York; Boston, Massachusetts; Lexington/Concord, Massachusetts; Gloucester, Massachusetts; Niagara Falls, New […]