2024 Lincoln Co. Fair Entry is Open!

Project Entry for the 2024 Lincoln County Fair is now open! Find it here: www.lincolncofair.com/exhibitors Click on the red “Fair Entries” bar!The Exhibitor Handbook is there, too!Fair Entry Questions: Contact the Fair officeOpen Office hours are Tuesday & Thursdays 1 – 6 pm orby appointment by calling 715-218-7649. Deadline is July 15th!


2023 Fair Exhibitors

4-H Fair Exhibitors, if you didn’t get a premium check from your club meeting this month, please go the Lincoln County Fair Office from 12-6 today September 18th, to pick up your premium check. Thanks!


Merrill Optimist Seeking Help to Build An All Access Playground

The Merrill Noon Optimist Club is looking for the community’s help to build an all access playground. Donate your newspaper, non-confidential paper and junk mail to our Magic Paper Box to help raise funds to support their effort.  Refer to the flyer below for more information. Magic Paper Box flyer


Storm/Flood Recovery Resource

The Lincoln County UW-Extension Staff have created a resource booklet from several sources  to assist individuals and families impacted by the April 10th tornados.  Resources include items for post-tornado damage, post-flooding damage including home flooding caused by power outages and long-term disaster recovery.  Please go to https://lincoln.extension.wisc.edu/recovery/ for the booklet and locations to receive a hard copy.