Wisconsin 4-H promotes intercultural awareness and understanding and challenges youth and families to become better global citizens by providing opportunities to establish close relationships with people from different cultures through international home-stay and hosting experiences. Partnering organizations include Japan, Korea, Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina, Finland, Norway and Australia.
Are you wondering if hosting a young person from a different country is something that you want your family to be involved in? Visit the Wisconsin 4-H International website for more information.
In 2019, two Lincoln County Family hosted international youth!
Here is what the Austin Harris family had to say about the experience:
Hosting Seijuro Hayashi this past summer was exciting, fun and educational.
All of us enjoyed showing Seijuro how we care for the rabbits we raise and to ensure the health and well being of the new bunnies and chicks that hatched while he was here. He continues to email us requesting pictures of the dogs, rabbits and chickens to watch them grow.
Even though the language barrier was drastic, Siejuro and our family were able to teach and learn from each other of how he does things in Japan as opposed to how we do it here.
We were able to teach him how Rhys had to care for and train his rabbit that he showed at the Lincoln County Fair and Seijuro was able to see the payoff of that work during the judging in the rabbit barn.
We continue to email Seijuro, which prior to this experience would not have given us the opportunity for a foreign penpal for Rhys.