HIPPOLOGYThe primary objective of the Hippology Contest is to provide, in a friendly but competitivesetting, an opportunity for youth currently enrolled in the 4-H Horse and Pony or HorselessHorse Project to demonstrate the depth of their knowledge and understanding of equinescience and husbandry.
HORSE BOWL CONTESTThe primary objective of the 4-H Horse Bowl is to provide an opportunity for youthenrolled in 4-H horse projects to demonstrate their knowledge of equine-related subjectmatter i
Hi 4-H Families,The WI 4-H program is currently collecting feedback from members 13 and older about their 4-H experience, and we would really appreciate hearing from your child(ren). This feedback will help us better understand the impact of our 4-H program and how we can continue to improve.
We are collecting this feedback through the 4-H Thriving Survey. The survey information and personalized link was sent to your family email recently, from Josset. If you cannot find this email, you may w