Hello 4-H Families,
Today is the last day to add 4-H projects to your youths 4-H online accounts. Login to your 4-H Online Family account, and click on member, then projects, then click add additional. These are NOT fair entries. If you want to show at the fair, you need to be enrolled in that coordinating 4-H Project in your 4-H Online account. If you intend to show any animals at the fair, you must be enrolled in that species project. I know you may not have all the cool art projects that your youth made at school this year, but even if there is a chance they might want to take any art to the fair, make sure they are in the Art Project. We have 136 projects to choose from, and you can sign up for as many as you want. Grades K-2, the only project you can register for is Cloverbuds. Again, entering for the Lincoln Co. fair is a separate event you have to enter at lincolncofair.com, starting in June or July. More details will come out on that. Any questions, contact me or your 4-H Club Leader.