We are rescheduling the Backyard Bird Feeding workshop for Saturday, February 3rd , 10-12pm at the Merrill Country Store. I hope you can make it, and maybe bring a friend. Here is the link to register for this event:https://forms.gle/odyQ8r8RydJ4VH6v8
Attention youth, are you interested in hands on science experiments? Do you want to meet like minded peeps from Marathon and Wood Co.? How about a trip to UW Madison for Science Expedition Day???Registration is open now at: https://bit.ly/4HScience24
4-H Science Expedition @ UW Madison – April 6, 2024Join Lincoln, Marathon, & Wood County 4-H as we plan a field trip to the UW Madison Campus to experience all things science. We will explore UW Madison’s Campus by visiting Explor