Citizenship Washington Focus – Presidential Inauguration

Citizenship Washington Focus – Presidential Inauguration

January 17-21, 2021 (may include extra days for travel)

Citizenship Washington Focus – Presidential Inauguration (CWF-PI) is a 5-day educational experience in Washington, D.C. Delegates and adult advisors will partake in a variety of workshops, activities, and per-experience preparation which will have them learn about the Executive Branch, the role of the Media in Government, and much more. Delegates can expect the following:

  • Pre-experience preparation will be done via Zoom and other methods, which may include small group activities like watching debates, discussing issues, and preparing what to say if you are interviewed by the media.
  • Travel to Washington, D.C. in January (airplane or coach bus, TBD), where they will learn about the Executive Branch, the role of the Media, Citizenship, and more in a variety of activities.
  • Watch the Inauguration of the President in Washington D.C. live, and experience the Inauguration from D.C.
  • Take back what you have learned to your community to better help your peers understand what you have learned and how you can use it in your future!

Additional information on CWF-PI can be found in our cover letter and registration information letter below. Please read this letter prior to applying:

CWF-PI Application Information and Cover Letter

Applications for CFW-PI are now open! Youth who will be in grades 9-13 at the time of travel are invited to apply to participate in the experience through our Google Form:

Apply for CWF-PI here:

Applicants must also submit a recommendation form from someone they know (may be a teacher, 4-H educator or other, as long as they aren’t related). Your local 4-H educator will also need to submit a recommendation (if they do not know you as well, we ask them to still submit something so that they are aware of who is applying from their County). You can find the recommendation form below.

Reference Form for CWF-PI Applicant (Fillable PDF)

Reference Form for CWF-PI Applicant (Microsoft Word)

The event costs are expected to be around $1600 per delegate. This may be offset with some scholarship money.

If you would like to see how applications are scored, you can download a copy of the rubric here.