Lincoln County 4-H hosted there second Project Discovery Day for 2012 recently in Merrill. Project Discovery Day is a day for 4-H and other community youth to learn new skills and have fun exploring the many opportunities the 4-H program in Lincoln County offers. Seventeen adult and youth instructors from the area shared their knowledge with 24 youth adults during the annual Project Discovery Day held on October 20th at the Lincoln County Service Center. Topics covered a wide variety of subjects including learning sewing by making a book bag, weaving a basket, creating jewelry, learning about reusing materials into decorative and useful items, making model airplanes and playing with polymers (goo).
This event sponsored annually by the Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association Inc. and UW-Extension 4-H Youth Development were again a great success as young people moved from session to session learning new skills and creating items. Youth took a quick break to catch their breath, eat lunch or a snack, and make new friends during the short time in-between sessions. The adult and older youth instructors that day learned as much as their students about organization, teaching methods, keeping calm in chaotic situations, and keeping their students excited about learning.
Project Discovery Day is a great example of the learning and teamwork that happens in 4-H every day.
This event along with the 4-H program is open to all youth in grade Kindergarten through 13 (one year after high school graduation), regardless of where you live. Becoming a 4-H member is free with minimal costs for participating in countywide activities. For more information about joining 4-H, contact the Lincoln County UW-Extension at 539-1072 or visit our website at

Debbie Moellendorf lead the Annual Wisconsin 4-H Leaders training which Sue Kunkel and Sue Tiffany attended. The Wisconsin Annual 4-H Volunteer Leader Training is required for a representative from each 4-H club/group as part of the charter and renewal process. This requirement was put into place based on volunteer development and management research and best practice programs. A new lesson is provided each year based on input from staff and volunteers as well as emerging issues and trends, this years session was about Youth Leadership.